Created by:
Mike and Patrick Henry

In 2002, the Henry Brothers took a meeting to write and produce pranks for a hidden-camera show in Hollywood. The producers of the show were of the opinion that people at large would forgive anything, including the risk of serious bodily harm, for the reward of being on TV. Mike and Patrick thought these guys were assholes, but the meeting gave them an idea.

They bought an orange wig and a green jumpsuit, gathered friends to play “victims” and created the hidden-camera show parody that is “Kicked in the Nuts!” Patrick shot and edited the bits and Mike donned the wig and did the “kicking.”

The pilot episode went viral from and the Henrys made a total of 24 episodes over the next few years. Now kick-back and enjoy some ridiculousness. And remember, no nuts were actually kicked during the making of “Kicked in the Nuts!”